A huge number of people suffer from osteoarthritis. The problem with most of them is that they do not go to the doctor in time when it is possible to really stop the deforming processes in the knee joint. They start talking loudly about their problem when the disease is already playing with full force, they have strong excruciating pains that just do not give rest.
And when a person goes to the doctor at this stage of disease development, he is prescribed medications that usually do not give a quick and tangible effect. He then starts searching the internet for alternative methods of treating knee arthrosis. Is it effective? To some extent, yes. Folk remedies very quickly eliminate the pain, but at the same time, unfortunately, they can not cure the disease.
Therefore their use is recommended in combination with medication and therapeutic diet. Such a complex treatment will allow you to slow down the deformation processes and restore motor function. Let’s take a closer look at what alternative treatment for knee osteoarthritis involves.
Gelatin in the fight against osteoarthritis of the knee joint
Gelatin is a very useful product for the joints that contains collagen. Thanks to it, joint and bone tissues are restored. Take the gelatin inside. To do this, in the evening 1 p. m. K. Pour in 3 tbsp. K. Boiled water and leave to swell until morning.

In the morning, the resulting mass is diluted with one cup of boiling water. If the gelatin does not dissolve completely, then you should place it in a water bath and bring it to a uniform consistency. Then, a little honey is added to the resulting drink. You should drink this remedy 20 minutes before breakfast.
You should take a gelatin drink for exactly two weeks, and then you need a 7-day break. To improve physical activity it is necessary to conduct 3 courses of treatment of joints with gelatin.
Horseradish compression
To make a medical compress at home you need to take chicken root, peel it and wash it under water. Grind the prepared root in a blender, mix with a little water and bring to a boil. After that, you need to allow the horseradish to occur slightly.
You should have a splint that should be applied evenly to the knee joint, cover with film and a warm scarf. It should be noted that the chicken is a very burning plant, so there may be a slight burning sensation during the procedure. It is normal. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. Do this every 2 days. In total, you should conduct 10 sessions.
Painful knees with black radish
An alternative treatment for knee osteoarthritis involves regular rubbing of the black radish joint. To do this, the root crop must be chopped in a blender or grated. The juice must be squeezed from the obtained smoker. For one procedure you will need 200 ml of juice, in which you have to mix 150 g of honey, 1 tbsp. K. Lsufri salt and. A glass of alcohol. Such a remedy is used 2-3 times a day, turning the painful joints with massage movements.

Pork fat to rub the knee joint
Pork fat is an excellent lubricant for joints. It is necessary to cut his knee every day, one hour before bedtime, for six months. In this case, after the rub, the joint should be wrapped in polyethylene and a warm scarf.
Eggs for the treatment of osteoarthritis
Take one chicken egg and place it on the table to warm to room temperature. Beat the egg and place it in a glass and refrigerate (you will no longer need it).
Take the remaining shells and use your fingers to spread the entire contents on the sore joint. After that, massage the sore spot well. Do this every day, before bed, for several months.
Bay leaf knee remedy
Treatment of deformed arthrosis of the knee joint with folk remedies also involves the use of laurel leaves decoration. It promotes the excretion of salts and excess fluid from the body, which significantly reduces the load on the joints.
To prepare the broth, take 10 g of bay leaf, pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on low heat. You need to cook for 10-15 minutes. After that, let the broth stand slightly, strain and drink throughout the day. The course of treatment is 3 days. After that it is necessary to take a break for a week and take another course of arthrosis treatment with this broth.
Skip against osteoarthritis
The use of turpentine to treat osteoarthritis began more than 200 years ago. To this day, this tool is used by many people. It should be noted that turpentine gives a high therapeutic effect not only in the treatment of arthrosis but also in the treatment of sciatica.
It is very easy to use. It is necessary to rub the sponge on the sore joint every day before going to bed and apply a warm bandage on top. The compress should be maintained overnight. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Dandelion flowers for knee arthrosis

You can also treat osteoarthritis of the knee with folk remedies with fresh dandelion flowers. To do this, take 3-4 flowers, rinse well under running water and then just serve. The taste of dandelion is not bitter and pleasant. However, in the treatment of osteoarthritis, it is really very effective.
Therapeutic compress with ginger
The compositions with ginger perfectly fight the symptoms of osteoarthritis. To prepare them, you need to peel the ginger root and grind it finely. Then 2 s. K. The resulting onion should be mixed with the juice of one onion and apply the mixture on a sore joint. You should put a warm bandage on your head.
You should keep such a compress for 4 hours. This should be done every other day until all the symptoms of the disease disappear.
Recall that traditional methods of treating osteoarthritis of the knee are effective only in combination with drug therapy and therapeutic diet. Moreover, they have to be used for a long time. Only in this way can you achieve a lasting result.